Thursday, September 1, 2011

post-pedal depression

With our fantastic journey across the US now complete, our bags sorted out, Pearl loaded down for the morning journey home,  it becomes rapidly apparent that our daily routine will now abruptly change and real life will again resume. It may take several weeks before we stop getting up and putting on our biking gear as the dress of the day.
We were blessed with wonderful weather, not missing a day of riding. We were able to stay on schedule with mileage. Not one time during the journey did any of us wake up and not want to head out on our bikes for the new day's adventure. This is the type of experience from which memories and riding tales will resurface many times in the years to come. We are all very much aware of our fortunate ability to have the health, the time and the team leader/coordinator (Julie) to make this type of adventure possible. Thanks to all of you who followed along either on the blog, on the phone, or riding with us for several days.

What fun we've had!  For me it was a century ride plus a few extra miles nearly every day for 32 days.  Each day was different scenery and quite often the afternoon was much different than the morning.  The visiting riders in the midwest brought another dimension to the ride.  The weather was better than we could have imagined and Julie's enthusiasm and energy was unbelievable.  We were so spoiled!  The guys were easy to get along with and I will miss our rides together.  We've enjoyed the company of Julie's mom, Mary Lou the last couple weeks.  Our biggest regret is that Dave did not finish the ride with us.  We wish him a speedy recovery.

Well I really want to say THANKS to all of the people who have been amazingly supportive of this adventure right from the get go.  The food, wine, financial, jersey design, daily prayer, special meals prepared and the many other things to numerous to mention. 

I also want to let everyone know that Dan Ulwelling was in our thoughts today as we finished the day and we can feel his prescence and I can still see his smile.

I also want to let everyone know what a classy bunch of men I have been traveling with.  They have treated my mom to much great humor and kindness.  It was a pleasure to be with these fine men with such great character!  I truly thank them!!!  They always made sure that Pearl was well oiled.

A BIG Thanks to Ed at South Main Auto for getting Pearl in tip top shape for the big trek. As you can see Pearl made it thru with flying colors! So thank you Ed!!

The day has been especially bitter sweet for me as I was so excited for the guys to hit the Atlantic Ocean.  But my heartaches for my husband Dave who is home healing from his mishap along the way.  I so wanted this to be an accomplishment for him too as it was his birthday that spurred on the idea to begin with.  So to that note Honey I will be home soon.  I Love you!

I need to give kudos to my great friends and neighbors who helped Dave get to his Doctors appt's and fill the house with food and helping with taking care of Lilly while Dave was in the hospital. It has eased my mind knowing that he has been taking care of by such caring and devoted friends.  They really had my back.

I can't wait to get back home and get back to my spinning class!   I miss you all and have not exercised for 5 weeks.  This is NOT a good thing!

Time to turn in as we will be leaving early in the morning for the long trek home.

See Ya Soon!


What a fabulous journey we have had for the last month. I can't put into words the feelings I've had biking across this great country! Being able to come together as a team was important and necessary to make this work.
I will remember this experience for the rest of my life. Thank you all for your great support.

I went on this trip to see the Eastern states. I did that and more. I really enjoyed the beautiful scenery all the way out here; and the Atlantic Ocean was awesome!
I am amazed that four individuals can live in such close quarters and still survive. After their long daily ride they took care of their bikers and tents and showered. Then we fed them. They even took a turn at the dishes. I was treated like a queen. They helped me up and down the steps and across the streets. Who else has 4 younger men to wait on her!!
Not much relaxation time. At night they made phone calls home and the blog and pictures on the computer. Up again at 5 am. Said their prayer, and on the road again! No easy task.
It was also interesting to see how Julie managed to schedule the day and the bikers. It was stressful for her to drive Pearl and keep everyone on the right route.  We had our tense moments and our times to giggle!
All in all it was a great adventure.
Thanks for allowing me to be onboard.


  1. Outstanding work. What an accomplishment!

  2. Congratulations to all of you! What a great adventure. It was wonderful reading your blog. It was like being there without having to use any Desitin! I can't wait to hear more about your trip. Brenda Heimer

  3. WOW,fabulous,incredible,awesome,impressive,inspiring, there are not enough words to discribe how great I think all of you are. I am so happy you did what you set out to do and have such fun along the way. I am looking forward to your getting home safe and Jerry I did not change the locks, Love Nancy U

  4. You did it! You did it in style! What an accomplishment. I know it is bitter sweet as Dave is riding,,,,but from his stationary bike. Congratulation to all and Grandma Lou too!

  5. HOW FABULOUS!!! It's was like talking to one of my small boys with the joy in your voice last night, dad.

    What a great memory and experience! I can't say I can imagine all the ups and downs and aches and pains along the way but it's been fun watching from my computer screen. Congrats to all of you!!

    Julie, you are amazing! What an incredible amount of work you've put into this for everyone. Thank you for making this enjoyable for all of them.

    Dad, we can't wait to see you! Drive safe on your quicker journey homebound!! :)

    Katie Dillon

  6. It can't be over! I've enjoyed following this trip to much for it to end yet. How about you just turn around and go back to the West coast. Then turn around and go back to the East coast - just like Forrest Gump. "Ride Forrest Ride"

    Congratulations on a great ride.

    Thanks for letting me "ride along".


  7. Uncle Jerry - to say that I am so proud of what you and your team have accomplished is an understatement! When Mom called and said you had just made it, I got goosebumps and cried. To think that someone meant so much to all of you that you would perform such a feat is truly inspiring.

    Everyone at the dealership has been following your journey with me! I has been awesome! Julie did a fantastic job keeping all of us informed. Loved the pictures as well.

    So glad you are on your way home - what a celebration it will be!

    Love you!
    Marilyn, Jeff and the boys

  8. What an amazing feat! Who could have predicted that Mother Nature would let go with hurricane winds and flooding? Jim's nephew had to evacuate his apartment in NYC. The reports from NH and VT weren't much better.
    This has to be one amazing group of folks.
    Marilyn Burns

  9. Congrats to all of you at the end of your great adventure. I enjoyed following along. You are all a great inspiration. Get some rest and then maybe you can start planning a North to South trip for next year?
    Pam (Roe's sister in law)

  10. Congrats on an epic ride. I wish I/we could have riden along with you all. It sounds like you had a good time with only a few challenges, like a hurricane, to deal with.

    Julie you are one fantastic organizer. Way to keep the boys in line and going strong. I hope Dave heals quickly. We will miss riding with the Rydjor gang and spinning with you in the winter.

    Bob & Amy

  11. Hello! I've been following your progress and can totally relate with the happiness you felt with this wonderful bikeride! I know Terry from my Weyerhaeuser days and Jerry from my YMCA days. Julie, what a nice thing you did to make this possible. I hope to do a coast to coast someday, too! Take care, all of you, and especially Dave. Dave will have to go back next year and do it again!? Making it to SD is a strong feat in itself.
    ~Lori Nagel (Rosemount, MN)
