Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 10

Well I guess it is my turn to put something on the site. Please be patient with me because I am not a Lee Benorden. This has been one of the most exciting things I have ever done. Yesterday after a 4 hour climb up Teton Pass (10 % grade) & getting to the summit & seeing the view it was unbelievable but the down hill was TREMENDOUS!!! 40 plus miles per hour.
 This is such an exciting trip I am glad we can share it with all of you that are following us on the site. For all of you that are sending comments please keep them coming because we truly enjoy getting them. For those of you that are following & have not commented feel free to send a comment because than we get & idea of how many of you are following us.
It is pretty easy to send a comment. Just click on the comments there might be 0 or 1 or how ever many there are & then you will be able to read every one elses comments, Then there is a drop down box. After clicking the drop down click Name/URL & when the little box pops up just type in your name. You do not need to put in a URL.Next hit continue & the comment box comes up & you can type in your comment. After you have done that hit post comment.
Thanks again to all for  following us. We are so happy that we can share with you this GREAT!!!!! trip we are having.
 Please keep the comments coming.
 Due to internet speed problems we will post pictures tomarrow if we get better speeds



  1. Many are following you all each day. Many stop to tell me how they are enjoying the blog and especially the pictures. You are all amazing every one with you successful ride. Weather has cooled down in Mn. and great for golf and the county fair...Ride on in safety..Best wishes to all... MOM (FOX)

  2. following you from boston and looking forward to your arrival to our shores. thanks for posting so many updates-sounds like a great trip for all of you.

  3. maybe you should have brought lee bOnorden along to write a book about the trip or at least keep you guys entertained with his jokes!

  4. I'm so glad you all had a day of rest in the Grand Tetons! What a wonderful place to be! You now have a gathering of people here in Moses Lake, WA cheering all of you on! We log on each day to track your progress and to look at the pictures. Ride Strong, use that Butt Butter!!!!

    Jody Borris

  5. Hello to all of you. I think you are nuts but really admire you for making this trip. What a place to have a day off in the Tetons!!! Must be really beautiful. Safe travels to you. See you when you get home.

  6. I am so glad I found your blog...altho I am exhausted reading all of your posts! Kudos to all of you - enjoy the scenery and stay safe! Hi to Captain Julie!!

  7. Hi Boys from your friends at the B&J.... So glad to hear you're all doing well. It's an adventure that is hard to imagine and we think of you often. You have taken the quote " You cannot plow a field by turning it over in your mind " to a whole new level. Keep on keepin on....
