Friday, August 5, 2011

day 5

We are now out of Oregon after  4 days. Varied terrain today. Farm lands with lots of irrigation. Vegetables... Onion capital of the world. Once into Idaho we spent several hours in very rural country before ascending into foot hills with beautiful rapid streams, "millions" of vehicles all going rapidly somewhere. We had good road surface and shoulders. Lots of climbing along rapidly moving streams with kayakers and rafters tumbling down. We are now in Lowman where the forest burned off much of the trees in 1982. Small whistle stop with RV park and 4 room motel and small caffeteria. Night off for Julie. Went out for burgers and the owners homemade pie just out of the oven before jumping into their out door olympic size pool fed by the natural hot springs here. (pool was left after the big burn). All doing well. Desitin is our drug of choice these days.
Tomorrow starts with a climb to about 7000 feet. Another 100+ mile day.


  1. Sounds like a beautiful ride (until you got to the "millions of vehicles" -that made me a bit nervous). Thought Lily was accompanying you but since she's not in any pix, assume she's home holding down the fort. Glad to hear Julie (Mother of Pearl) got a respite too and wish you another uneventful day ahead. Hugs, Penny

  2. I thought the following quote was appropriate as they head into day six of their bike trip across America."Money cannot buy happiness but somehow,
    it’s more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz
    than it is on a bicycle."

  3. Uff da. Day 6 shows you CLIMB almost a mile! I could join you for a couple miles AFTER mile 32.7. (Downhill) Keep up the great work. Luv your blog site. Keep neighbor Dr. S in line. Dick B

  4. 7000 foot climb sounds pretty brutal, so I hope you all slept well and did more relaxing in the pool then swimming. I envy your determination and wish you another several days of good weather and safe riding. -Brandon

  5. I'm thinking of you all the time. I hope you are taking care of each other, what a great adventure. Love ya, Nancy

  6. Do you use the Desitin on the mountains or in the valleys?

  7. I was so excited to see a few extra pictures posted!!

    I am watching in amazement as you add mile after mile but can't say I can imagine - as a short bike ride with boys can wear me out!

    Keep up the positive spirits and soak it all in!!

    XOXO - Katie Dillon

  8. Greetings from Boise! Last night Tom and I had a fun visit with some Austin, MN bikers in the mountain hamlet of Lowman, Idaho. As most of you heard, Roe Relandson, joined four of his crazy, athletic friends (Jerry Ullwelling, Dick Schindler, Terry Fox and Dave Thompson) on a cross country bike ride from Oregon to Maine. They are accompanied by Julie Thompson, who acts their chief cook, lead dog and mother hen. When we realized they would be within a couple hours of Boise, we jumped in the car to rncourage them and see how they were doing after three days on the road. We caught up with them along the Payette River outside of Banks, Idaho and they all gave us delirious grins and warm handshakes. After peddling all day, they knew they were "only 3 hours" from natural hot springs, a hot meal and a real mattress to sleep on for a few hours before they put their sore butts in the saddle again this morning for another ten hours of "fun". We were a welcome distraction from their weary bones and road dust. Of course the ice cold Italian Limoncello we brought was a big hit too! Since Tom and I had spent the first forty years of our lives in southern Minnesota, it didn't take long to realize that we all had many neighbors, friends, memories and relatives in common, so we were fast friends with all five of them in a short time. At 9:00 PM we left them in the parking lot and headed back to our home Boise. I would have stayed longer to join them in the hot pools, but Tom insisted on getting home so he would be rested for his beloved flyfishing early this morning. He spends so much time on the mountain lakes with his buddies that we call them "The Brokeback Fishermen" behind their backs. It was amazing to see what these guys consider a good time! I admire them, but I will not be joining them in their travels. God speed and best regards, Everyone. Tom and Pat Strand

  9. Way to go guys! I'm so jealous! Ride safe - ride strong and as my father James always said "keep em between the fence posts". I'm
    Proud of all of you and to be from Austin, MN!

    Ride on....

    Jody Borris

  10. HI Jerry, way to go cousin you always had a lot of energy wheh I had to take care of you.
    Cousin Dolores Frank
