Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pictures from day 25 & 26

Stopping at Pearles cafe for lunch

They let us in!!!!!!

This is how Juls got us across the border

Terry is trying to increase his daily average speed

Happy faces after viewing fire works over Niagra Falls
A few more pictures for you to look at & make smart remarks about.


  1. Fireworks over Niagra Falls? Sounds wonderful!!

    Good to hear that things are still going well. I am amazed at all of your endurance (including you, Julie!!). Good luck with the last stretch of your journey!

    Love you, Grandpa!

  2. Love the pictures. We were sitting with some of our friends last night discussing the MN. Coast to Coasters and we were wondering "If the Atlantic gets to you before you get to it...will you consider your journey complete?" Ponder that, will you!!!

  3. Fireworks? -was that to welcome you back to the US? Will there be more when you touch down at the Atlantic? So proud of all of you, just hope Hurricane Irene doesn't add too much wind or rain to the end of your journey. I absolutely can't believe there is less than a week to go!! Ride safely and we will see you soon.
