Sunday, August 28, 2011

day 28

Back in the USA!!!!  They let us back in!! Who'd a thunk it!!  Well we took our last look at Niagra Falls this morning as we crossed the Rainbow Bridge back into the USA!  They started down the street Main Street USA! 

It was nice country roads rolling and winding thru the country side much like in MN.  We came along a country road that was canopied with trees and ran along a stream.  When what did we see but a Zebra peering thru the trees.  So we had to stop and check it out.  I went to take a photo of it and a man was walking down the driveway so I asked him if it was ok?  He said yes and invited me to see his sculpture garden in his yard.  As it turned out he and his wife were both artists and had the whole yard set up as their Gallery.  They gave tours in the summer months! 

So I went to get my mom out of the RV and we spent a good 45 minutes visiting with him and taking the tour.  She was an art teacher at a deaf school and he was a professor at RIT.  He had written several books and one was just published a few weeks ago called the " Good Teacher"  It was quite interesting and truly the highlight of the day. 

Well the day was a treat for me!!  Julie

Niagara Falls NY to Phelps NY - 123 miles.  We're still on schedule!  We understand some of our followers were betting we wouldn't make our destination today.  We have been so fortunate with the weather!  With rain apparently all around us, we didn't get a drop.  We had cool temperatures today with a brisk wind from the north; we were happy to be wearing long sleeves.  We have been in our own little world, pretty isolated from the rest of the world.  We do occasionally check the day's weather when we can.  It looks like the weather for the next few days will be favorable. 

Again, Julie selected a set of great roads.  Nice country roads with little traffic and a nice smooth surface.  The road signs made it easy to navigate and the Garmin was working flawlessly.  As usual, the sights were interesting.  To me, the morning was a visit of oddities - a pet camel, two farm houses with big Greek columns.  The highlight of our day was Oatka Trail, a twisty turney road along Oatka Creek.  Woods on both sides of the road, the road that Julie and Mary Lou got their tour of a sculpture garden.  The wildflowers bring color to the ditches.  We have fun checking out all of the rustic old barns.  We passed many little roadside tables, selling sweetcorn, tomatoes, cukes, etc.

It's hard to believe we're closing in on the Atlantic.  Only four days of riding left!  We're looking forward to the sights of the next few days.  Tonight we're staying in the Cheerful Valley Campground.  We're cheerful and always anxious to start the next day.


  1. Good to see you all safely back in the USA. It has been a BLAST each day to check in on how you guys and gals are doing. Continue to ride safely and enjoy the last 4 days of your ride.

  2. Just got back from So Carolina & you need to watch out for Irene. She didn't do much to So Carlina but has some punch for the northern east coast. Have a safe ride!! Have ejoyed your travels!! Barb Stapes

  3. Hello everyone. Dear Lord, only four days of riding left. I can hardly believe it!! Every time I read and re-read your journal, I am more awestruck at your accomplishments. True, the weather has been fabulous, and true . . . Julie has been the ultimate chief cook and bottlewasher, as well as trip planner, but you guys are AMAZING!! The next time I have a dream that I doubt will ever come true, all I have to do is think of the Coast to Coasters. Thank you! Stay safe! We love you! Oh . . . and SEE YOU SOON!!!!!!

    Katie Ulwelling

  4. The adventure has been awesome to follow. Glad to hear that the Rainbow Bridge was open for you and all made it back to the USA. A zebra and a camel though? Really? I am starting to worry about you guys! The weather gods have been kind to you so far. Please be careful as you continue because there is alot of flooding in VT and we dont need anyway getting washed away. God bless and be safe.

  5. Welcome back to the states!! I can't quite believe it's getting down to a few days left - truly amazing! We follow daily and glad to see the weather's been good to you all. Fingers crossed that Mother Nature continues to be nice in your path to MA!

    Dad - be safe and looking forward to the added details upon your return! XOXO

    ~Katie Dillon

  6. I cannot believe that you are so close. I was happy to finally talk to dad once he was back in the U.S. phone network and the phone calls were not international roaming. All of you just about have me dusting off my bike for a ride on the old Trek 2300 road bike. It's been a few years so thank you all for the inspiration I needed. Best wishes for safe riding and continued good weather.
