Tuesday, August 23, 2011

day 23

Ludington to Stanton - 134 miles
Last night we took the ferry from Manitowoc WI to Ludington MI.  We tried to get as much sleep as we could during the 1:00 am to 6:00 am crossing.  There were only 17 customers on the big ship -- the SS Badger -- so we could lounge about anywhere we wanted to.  Some of us got much more sleep than others.

We headed out of Ludington and quickly missed our first turn.  Today's ride could be titled "backroads Michigan".  We traveled quiet country roads avoiding big cities.  Neat landscape with lots of trees - it reminded us of northern MN and northern WI.  Several times we traveled rolling hills with a twisty road.  We zigged and zagged east and south.  With a northwest wind, we sometimes had a headwind and sometimes had a tailwind.  Small backroads meant few roadsigns and we often stopped to get out our maps.  We had several course changes and Garmin was not our friend today.  We were sleep deprived and sometimes frustrated, but are still getting along famously.

Our weather so far has been better than we could have imagined.  Today was on the cool side.  We had a chance of showers this afternoon and they didn't come until tonight.  The cool afternoons have made our 130 mile days manageable.  Each day Jerry puts in his order for the next day's weather and we get what he orders.  And he's smart enough to not take credit for it.


  1. As these bikers know I usually get my nightly call from Jerry but not tonight so I'm reliant on the blog and thrilled to know all went well. I hope everyone gets rest tonight and Julies mom enjoys the rest of this trip. Love to all, Nancy U

  2. It is always interesting to have looked at the map for your route, then to read the blog and "see" what it was like. Looks like tomorrow is another long day. Hope you're able to rest up tonight and I'll put in an order for a nice tailwind for you tomorrow!

    The end is in sight now and it is really amazing to think about how far you've all come. Keep going strong.

  3. Good to see that Dad's luck has helped your weather. He gets that lucky at the casinos too. I was not to surprised that you were tired when I heard about your ferry ride. I hope you all recovered a little sleep and are well rested this morning. I pray you all have another great day of riding.

  4. Did all of you remember to bring your passports for Canada? A co-worker was up in Niagara Falls and forgot that Canada is not a State so I thought I would ask.

  5. Michigan sounds like a beautiful state. All of you have been so good about describing the route. I'm not sure that I have met Roe but I feel like I know him after reading his entries into the blog. (Thanks again for the most recent entry) This 'team' is made up of a great group of people. I just took out the itinerary that I printed when Julie shared it with me and---YOU'RE ON THE 2ND PAGE!!! (It's also the last page) You have traveled a great distance and the end is in sight. Keep your spirits high because this is a great accomplishment and we have your back. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Julie, I will bring a bottle of wine to your place when you get home and we will toast the 'Greatest Support Person' around. Keep up the good work. They need you. Shari

  6. It is so fun to read your blog!!! Thanks for doing it, so we can follow you all. Love, Erin

  7. I have enjoyed the blogs and have been checking it daily. You all are all amazing. Keep your spirits up and continue to enjoy this great adventure.

    Joanie(Jerry's sister)
